That is an interesting thought on the vision issue. What would be considered a large variation in the PRI and PSI scores? His symbol search was pretty low compared to the other scores. The BD score pulled down the PRI score. I was actually very surprised on how low his reading composite was. I would have guessed this was actually one of his strengths. He was a self taught reader at age 2 and showed up to kindergarten reading chapter books. The pseudo word decoding was the low part of the reading composite. I had his vision checked a couple of years ago, but I don't know if this would have caught the type of vision issue you are referring to?

He also had a splint on his finger during the test, which was making it hard for him to hold the pencil. I am not sure if this would have impacted any of the lower scores. I am still waiting on the full report.

His math problem solving was 154 and the numerical operations was 160. His math fluency on multiplication was 149. The other two math fluency scores were lower.

I am just hoping that the school will work with us, especially in math. I am still waiting for them to schedule the meeting I requested. I probably need to lower my expectations.