This was done by the district with a different psychologist from his initial.

He had his visual tracking done in October and the developmental optometrist stated his tracking would begin very good and then he would jump back and forth. Here are his results from that:

Measurement Left Right Grade Norm Goal Grade Level

Fixations/100 words 158 158 114 <77 3.0
Regressions/100 words 22 22 23 <11 7.6
Avg Span of Recog 0.63 0.63 0.88 >1.30 3.0
Avg Duration of Fix 0.20 0.20 0.27 <0.23 18

Reading Rate (wpm) 187 195 >312 6.3
Direction Att Diff 14% 20% <14% 14

Grade Level Efficiency (GLE) 4.6
Cross Correlation 99%
Lines Found vs Compatible Lines 10/9

The D.O. stated that his visual profile fits with a dyslexic but he is unable to diagnose. I have been waiting for these new results to come back so I can send them to his outside psychologist for further testing where recommended.

The school psychologist informed me that while DS13 has a severe Executive Function Disorder, the school does not have a responsibility to remediate for that.

With his writing assignments, he can write very well when given direct instruction on exactly what to write about-so long as it's a short assignment. Open ended? Yeah, huge fight. I normally have to assist him in getting paragraphs started or he sits there for hours.

For digit span his reverse was much lower, even on the initial assessment.

By high functioning students with ADHD, what exactly does that mean? I just want to make sure I get a proper understanding for when I write out my questions to ask.

He did get a tablet/workbook for Christmas this year with the thought that it can be used. It has the capabilities of a laptop, to include the ability to download Dragon software. The psychologist did tell me he is eligible for tablet use with his IEP. He does tend to keyboard better than write.

Last edited by jaggirl47; 01/05/15 10:18 PM.