Originally Posted by polarbear
- Do you feel like the wanting to be in AIG LA is driven more by having a friend and a sister in it or because she's doing really well in LA and needs/wants deeper/higher level work?

DD also has unilateral hearing loss. Would this affect ITBS and Cogat testing?

-I would think it would impact testing *directly* only if the questions were read out loud to her... but... I wonder if it might not have somehow impacted her developmental growth in reading as she matured, so that she might have some slight challenges that aren't obvious? Or her scores on verbal tests might be lower than they should be due to early reading development lagging behind ability due to the hearing loss?

My gut feeling is that - you have a child with hearing loss, a child who is hoping for more challenge in school, and that same child has a bit of unevenness in her CogAT scores - not necessarily year to year as much as verbal vs nonverbal on the most recent testing. JMO, but I'd consider private WISC testing to better understand her profile - even if she's not id'd as gifted or you don't uncover any significant issues, it will give you good insight and information on her strengths and how she learns.

I would wonder a little bit re - how much of this is due to a true skew in abilities vs how much is personality vs is any of it related to hearing loss?

You've been such a wonderful advocate for our younger dd - I'd take some of that advocating energy and really think through - would further testing help your older dd?
DD10, unlike DD9 is very happy at school. She loves her teachers and her friends, but she wants to be with her best friend in the AIG LA class AND she's competitive with her sister. It has been easy to parent her (educationally) because, as her teachers say, over and over, she is the "perfect student". In the back of my mind though, is the audiologist's warning to watch for clues that her hearing might have an impact at some time on her schooling. So when I see scores like this, I wonder. But, it also might just be different learning strengths.

I agree that we have spent much more time advocating for DD9 because she is the "squeaky wheel". I would not want to look back and find that we missed something with DD10 because we were hyper focused on her little sister. I think it might be a good idea to talk to DH about some outside testing.

Last edited by greenlotus; 12/22/14 12:21 AM.