You've received great advice above. I'll just add a few random thoughts.

I'm so anxious!!
Although this may be suspenseful, and may be high stakes, a factual, unemotional approach may help. Taking time to prepare, then assuring yourself you are prepared, may calm your nerves.

I should gather up materials for the grade acceleration meeting.
Is a date/time scheduled for the meeting? Who will attend? If you do not know, you may wish to ask some gently probing questions.

1)I received the email at 9:15 am. They want all this information before school break - which begins tomorrow after school! I'm getting rushed.
No need to feel rushed, as this process has been in play for several months.

What's all this about??
Most likely, this is about making a smooth transition after the school holiday break or semester break.

2) The AIG specialist states all the portfolio work has to be "assigned school work". DD9 is in a pre algebra class outside of school. She is excelling there. Can one argue for outside work to be admitted? She takes pre a. from an actual private school. DD also does amazing work at home which I would love to present, but I can understand that they would not use that because we cannot prove that she actually created the work.
I would suggest following the guidelines they provided, as this would show her work under the conditions provided in the school's learning environment (which may differ from another learning environment). This may also provide for a direct comparison to the work of other children in the receiving grade in the school.
- How many pieces of work are they asking for in the portfolio?
- Have they specified what subjects they'd like to see represented among her work samples?
- Must the portfolio consist of originals or will the school accept copies?
Once her portfolio is assembled, you may wish to make a copy for your own records.
IF you choose to bring along outside work, you may wish to consider it supplemental, and present it only if the meeting seems to provide an opening to present it.

3) The school AIG teacher stated that she heard DD had taken the Woodcock Johnson Achievement Test so she wants the results. DD9 did take that test - and the results were much lower than her WISC. The psych. who gave her the test was the one who suggested that DD might have an LD. We later found DD to have ADHD, inattentive type. I am afraid that the WJ result will harm DD's chance for grade acceleration. I am waiting to hear back from our private psych. to see what she thinks. Any thoughts from you all?
You may wish to present the requested results along with the context and factual explanation that works in your favor, such as: "As requested, here are DD's Woodcock Johnson Achievement Test results, dated XX/XX/XX. These proved valuable as they provided insight that our daughter may be 2e, which was later substantiated XX/XX/XX, allowing us to effectively address the ADHD- inattentive type, resulting in DD's huge academic gains and further supporting her need for acceleration to a more challenging curriculum."

4) The school is using the IOWA Acceleration Tool. DD's big sister is one year older so I know that will be red flag. Our private psych. has told the school that she is working with both girls to deal with the fall out.
This aspect is just one of many surveyed in the IAS.

I am talking to other schools to even see if DD could go there the rest of the year so DD9 and DD10 would be separated.
If this school grants acceleration, then DD9 may move to another school? How does she feel about that? Have you discussed this strategy with the private psych?

Ok - enough questions for now. Cross your fingers
You may wish to review the basic tips for advocacy meeting prep.