I've just started doing some HS-like work with my DS6, who was recently tested at about 3rd-4th grade reading equivalent by a local school. This is his first experience of sitting down daily to do pencil and paper work, and I am trying to keep the content light now to get him used to the process side this new discipline. When he is comfortable with it, we will graduate to more difficult work.

As easy writing work, we've been doing some cloze exercises from Enchanted Learning, but I'm frustrated because the no text is attached to the exercises in which the new vocabulary is applied. This means DS has no way to work out the meanings of new words. I wonder if there is a standard exercise book that combines these kinds of easy writing exercises with short stories or narratives.

In the longer term, I have an eye out for curriculum aids that build English, social, historical, cultural, and reasoning exercises around short stories and literature pieces.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
