hi there,

We had our DS tested on the WPPSI when he was almost 4 and he scored 145. Then at 5.5 years old he was retested and scored 139 (but he was tested unmedicated. He has ADHD). Recently he has had achievement testing at school - he scored overall 143. (His scored range from 155 in reading and comprehension to average (in spelling :)).

When he had the second IQ test it felt wrong (although i sat in on the test and he was pushed hard by the tester but struggled to keep attention and gave up as soon as anything he had to think about was presented).

Obviously I dont want to be a parent who thinks their child is the smartest kid ever...because clearly he is not. But Ive not yet come across another child like him which makes me think he seems more like a one in 1000 kid rather than a one in 100 kid.

He taught himself to read just before he turned 3. He read, and comprehended Harry Potter when he was 4. He asks incredibly complex questions about the earth, space, science, films, stories, history. His teacher told me that he appears to have photographic memory, whic we suspected from a young age whereby he could do some amazing things, even as a baby. He has sophisticated interests. He is in kindergarten and cant understand why the other boys just run around playing chase - he wants to play more complex games. He is self aware and insightful. He is desperately sad that he hasnt made a male friend yet in school and wants a friend who is a boy. At his first parent teacher conference the teacher said so far in her in class assessments he has surpassed the end of grade one and has not finished being assessed. She said he could easily be in 2nd grade at this point.

So as we are unlikely to get any more testing at this point, but just for my infomation, is it likely a child like this would be closer the the first IQ test and most recent acheievement testing or the unmedicated second IQ test?

I obviously want to advocate appropriately for him and I believe the two different results would mean different things in terms of what we think he needs best.

i would love to hear from others aout what to think. Can a 136 child be like this? Obviously its just a number but if i feell one in one 100 children could be like this than i think he may not need extension or acceleration but if he is one in 1000 he is more unlikely to come across a kindred spirit anytime soon.