My DD11 has been interested in boys from afar for some time, but has become more actively interested lately. Note, she is absolutely NOT pubescent physically. She resembles me physically at this age, and I think this will not happen till she is about 14. Her interest appears to be more...romantic/spiritual/cognitive/yearning for connection???....than physical, but it sure is there.

A few months ago, she really hit it off with a boy a couple of years older than she is. He's a very nice kid and I have no concerns, as I'm sure it's a very innocent little crush that will go nowhere. (I know she is actually interested because I asked her, and her response was a dead giveaway. I can't tell if the boy is, but he is happy to talk to my DD a lot.) But in a year or two? Yeah, I don't know. It's strange because in other ways, I consider her very immature.

Anyone else have a child like this? DD is smart (obviously), independent as hell, and very very stubborn.