My gut feeling is that it isn't ADHD, or at least it isn't only ADHD, but something deeper. Sometimes I get the feeling he's "acting dumb" and wants to so badly fit in with kids he acts up on purpose so they think he's funny...if that makes sense. I'm 32...he's my oldest and sometimes I feel as though his teachers feel like they have to coach me on how to parent. My mom thinks he's the doppleganger of my brother who began medication for him at age 8 and swears it worked to make him a better student. I think in a way she's afraid of thinking she medicated him when he didn't really need it so if my son is medicated for the same thing it in a way rationalizes her choice. Maybe I'm just rambling and stretching for something else but I just feel in my gut that ds is smarter and not just book smart but the kind where he could actually do something big if given the chance and nobody wants to give him that chance. I probably make no sense lol its just something continuously nagging at me in the pit of my stomach and no matter how rational "their" explanation I just don't get it.