
You may wish to read up on advocacy and also underachievement. The Davidson Guidebook to Advocating for Exceptionally Gifted Young People may be helpful to you. The Davidson database has many articles on underachievement, easily found using the search feature.

Have you researched the school policies online? Is there anything about gifted services? Is the gifted "program" one-size-fits-all, or does the policy allow for customization to the students' readiness and ability?

You may also wish to begin researching the Middle school he would be slated to attend, and any other options you may have available. Check your state laws and the school policies. Is there anything mentioned about acceleration? Does their process include the Iowa Acceleration Scale (IAS)? You'll also find lots of good information on the website of Institute for Research and Policy on Acceleration (IRPA).

Is homeschooling a possibility?