Originally Posted by VR00
Can forum members share their experience with partial homeschooling:
1. How did you align with the school in terms of timings
We selected the number of days we wanted to have in school, and picked which days those would be based on when specials for the grade in question were held.
2. Did you keep the child at the age grade level?
Yes, more or less. Our child has a late birthday, so this would have been one year young for grade, going by the most common cutoffs in our state, but normative age for grade, going by some of the later cutoff school districts.
3. What subjects did you do at home vs school
We did all academics at home, but agreed that our child could choose to participate in any incidental academics that occurred during an in-school day. Specials (art, music, gym, computers) occurred at school.
4. What program did you use? CTY, Stanford online High school, EPGY, others?
We started off trying to make some use of the school's textbooks, but eventually abandoned that for eclectic paper curricula.
5. How did grade and transcripts work?
We generate all grades. Initially, the school did not generate anything at all (this is a private school), but later agreed to make their grade/transcript system available for us to generate our own transcripts on their letterhead.
Any other observations?
Obviously, this is quite specific to our situation, especially with a tiny private school. I am sure it helped that we were paying somewhat above prorated tuition (50% for 2 days/week), in a school for which enrollment was not maxed out.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...