DD4 is apparently gifted in gymnastics. She has already been accelerated 2 levels and today, I found out, her teacher is recommending that she go up another level. So she will be in a class that is 3 levels ahead. The teachers at the gym are telling me they have never seen a girl like DD. We started gymnastics a year ago because DD loves it and I thought she might have some talent. She continues to have a passion for it and just goes through every class with a giant smile on her face.

I have never been athletic in the least. DH did almost qualify for an Olympic team when he was younger, but it was one of those not-really-heard-of sports that don't have the physical demands of gymnastics. So, this is new to us. I am trying to just go with the flow and follow DD's lead. But I'd love some guidance from anyone who has an athletically talented child.

(I honestly DO NOT want my child to compete in elite gymnastics or anything even close to that. Gymnasts can get seriously hurt, so I am not so secretly hoping that she loses interest in a couple of years or less. But, at the same time, I am trying to be a good parent and feed her passion of the moment.)