Definitely aware of all the themes in Shakespeare, having read almost all of his plays! We are kind of lax on that front, we stay away from text with strong sexual undertones and extreme violence, but everything else is usually fair game, with supervision and pre-reading when needed. Which is odd for the region we live in...I was just chastised by a neighborhood parent when I mentioned that DD enjoyed Charlotte's Web at age 4...."but there's death in that book! How could you expose your child to death so young?" Ugh. Good thing I left out the fact that she read it on her own at that age!

Originally Posted by Madoosa
I managed to find a collection of Graphic Novels - they have the option of easy text and original text - my 5 year old's favourite book is his Macbeth! smile

Perhaps if I find the ISBN number you can try find them near where you are? They have Dickens too and some other classics in the same series.

Is it the No Fear Shakespeare graphic novels? Like this: