Any one have any experience with any comprehensive online school options? We are on the verge of taking our 9 year-old daughter out of school but for a variety of reasons can't devote much time to homeschooling at the moment.

She loves learning and is really independent. I am dreaming of some 90-120 minute long online program that covers the basics quickly but lets her move at her own pace so she could do two years or more in a year if needed. She is highly gifted and is years ahead in most subjects so she almost doesn't need anything, but I think for transition purposes, her own self-discipline and my own worry about her missing stuff, something structured online would be great.

I have been reading about Laurel Springs, Connections Academy, k12, and Oak Meadow. Any feedback on these with a gifted kid? I don't have a clear sense on how they work exactly. Are there any others I am missing? Thank you!