Originally Posted by Cola
Is he disorganized? With school work yes but his logos and trophies are put away nicely and in a specific order. So I'm confused about the questions and wouldn't know what to answer.

Cola, when I've filled out these types of behavioral surveys for my children (for neuropsych and counseling evals), I've always been told to fill in the bubble that I *think* fits my child most of the time, but to also circle the number of any that I have these types of questions about, and write comments on the form explaining the questions I have.

So for example, on the disorganization, I'd probably mark the "sometimes" (or whatever choice is closest), and add a comment that states he is disorganized with school work but keeps his trophies well organized. Remember that the forms are great for looking for overall patterns, but notes such as schoolwork is disorganized but your ds is organized in other areas of his life are where a professional can start to see important patterns that will give clues to what is up. That's why a good diagnosis relies on so much more than just a quick glance over a form filled out by one teacher.
