I'm completely new to having a gifted child. He is 5 and in kindergarten but, has tested to be at the 2nd grade level on his MAP assessments. We are waiting for our appointment with a psychological institute for more formal testing and dx but, I believe that he also has a sensory processing disorder. He has a really hard time during gym class and recess with so much chaotic activity going on. There have been several incidents where another child had touched him in a normal way but, he reacts extremely and will hit the child. He is attending a charter school in it's first year open and there is no gifted program and I was told that until he has a diagnoses they have to treat his behavior as a discipline problem. They do have him doing first grade academics for the first half of the day and spends the afternoon in K and already plan on advancing him to 2nd grade next year. I am ready to homeschool him but, am afraid that completely taking him out of school will just be putting off dealing with these situations. Does anyone have any experience homeschooling a gifted child with behavior issues for a year or two and then having them attend school after their social/emotional development has caught up? He does have other social issues in class but, those have been manageable. He loves school and being around the other children most of the time. I'm so torn, I just don't know if I should pull him out of school or not. Any advice would be awesome!