MON, DD just finished a round of school testing and didn't perform up to her potential on math which is what disqualified her grade advancement. In my estimation there were so many things that could have influenced the poor score (poor test administrator, being pulled out of class for days on end with out warning in the middle of work etc, just getting over an illness). They are checking to see if the district will allow the school psych to administer a different math assessment.

At this point while I am waiting to hear the districts decision, I am looking for resources to help me say something along the lines of "yes she has exemplary behavior in class, she does most things well, doesn't say she is bored to the teacher, has friends and is quiet and seems for from the outside happy BUT at home she goes crazy etc. and this is why..." and present an article they can read. It seems the behaviors I described are being attributed to childhood anxiety and not to school placement because all is well in school as far as they are concerned.

I was blindsided by the math result and wasn't as succinct as I could have been. The meeting was the first time I really saw that the school didn't believe my daughter needed much other than the normal differentiation that goes on in a kinder classroom. And of course I finally got heard the red flag lines I have read about. I am still in shock to realize that because there is no observable behavior problem in school (and I don't think there will be one in the foreseeable future as DD is such a teacher pleaser and an amazing social chameleon) the conclusion must be all is well.

Aquinas - Thank you for that article, I had not seen it before. I am going to delve deeper into the references as well.