We had a BIG meeting with our school today (will post about it later!!), and the next step for DD9 for grade acceleration is taking the "Complete ITBS" - evidently this test covers math, L.A, science, social studies, etc. DD needs to show she is TWO years ahead to get grade accelerated ONE year. No problem with math (unless she gets test anxiety), and she did test 99% on the 4th grade level ITBS as a 3rd grader, but I wonder about the person who is going to administer the test. The school AIG teacher (psychologist) who is slated to administer the ITBS is not the best teacher. Unfortunately many parents question her teaching ability. She was very quiet at the school meeting so we don't know what she thinks about DD9 or her abilities (DD is single subject math and AIG math and LA). The county rarely does grade acceleration AND DD is ADHD (inattentive). The 504 accommodations are still not in place. The AIG teacher is supposed to keep DD on track during the testing. So, keeping this all in mind, do we trust the school AIG teacher to do right by DD? Do I trust the school testing at all no matter who does it? We went outside the school for the achievement and IQ testing. As an aside, the head of AIG for the county plus the principal and asst. principal acted like they think it's best for DD to be moved to 5th grade. It will all just boil down to this one test. So much pressure on one tiny (literally) 9 year old. If I sound paranoid it is only because the county and teachers will say one thing and then do another.....