I'm hoping I can find assistance. My son just turned 9 and is currently in a 4th grade gifted class. He tested early into kindergarten and in the beginning of 2nd grade we had him tested. He did the Cogat testing where he scored 92 in verbal, 96 non verbal, 98 quantative and 97 composite. We had him go through three different schools before finding this one. He excelled and his teacher was great. Last year he was physically assaulted at school by another child and we were never notified. We didn't know about it until the other kids mom called to apologize. My husband and I made a big deal about it and it was obvious our son no longer trusted his teacher. This year they have both 3rd and 4th grade divided into two gifted classes and this teacher is one of the teachers. My once happy and smiling child is now failing math because he can't show his work. They all do the same thing just one grade higher. Because he gets the answer right...but doesn't show his work I'm being told he doesn't know how to do it and will have to redo it. He has now given up. In English they are reading The Rats Of NiMH but he would rather read about Einstein or Franklin or about nuclear reactors and Chemistry. He is beginning to do poorly in that class. His classes are large and chaotic...but his teachers want him tested for ADHD. I don't know how to help him. The teachers say he has to "master" these before he can "move on". My 9 year old now says he's stupid and he wishes he was never born. I don't think I've ever felt so alone or been so stressed. I just want him to be happy.

Last edited by Lewis; 11/05/14 09:20 AM.