I now have three consecutive years of CogAT scores on my child, with vastly different results.

Composite Score:

First Grade- 105 (highest= math, lowest= verbal);
Second Grade- 122 (highest= math, lowest= verbal) NNAT= 122;
Third Grade- 135 (highest= nonverbal, lowest= verbal)

Does anyone else have multiple years of data for their child on this test? I'm curious how common it is for scores to vary this much.

In case anyone is wondering why he took this test three years in a row, we had him tested for giftedness in first at his teacher's suggestion - he did not qualify (obviously). In second they screened all kids using the NNAT and then tested kids in the top 5% on that test at the school with the CogAT - he qualified for gifted based on his math score (96th percentile) and teacher ratings/work samples. In third they test all currently gifted identified kids for entrance into the highly gifted program, which I doubt he will qualify for based on his scores.