DD 2 3/4 was from several months to maybe 15 months old extremely fascinated with lights. Pointing to and saying "light" to every light she would see. She would point and name other things too, but with lights it was every single one at times. She has at times been similarly obsessed with fans, gears, bees, birds, the moon, stop signs, analog clocks, and other things, but not to the extent of man made lights.

She still gets stuck on things. She loves books of all types, but she is a Jake and the Neverland Pirates devotee, and has been for well over a year. We have a very large collection of that series. She has often become obsessed with various songs. She definitely will get ideas stuck in her head and her whole world revolves around those ideas sometimes for months or longer.

Now, another one that she is on is asking questions for reasons other than wanting to know the answer. She will ask rhetorical questions, test mommy and daddy questions, questions about the possible futures even though she knows our planned actions.