mom123 - Has your DD's assessment included any WIAT-type achievement testing that you could use?

We're in a similar place with DD7 (dyslexic, probable ADHD-I). She's got strong compensating mechanisms and finished grade 2 with all Bs. But on some WIAT tests where the task was so specific she couldn't mask her deficits with strengths, her scores were very low. I would suspect with dysgraphia you may see similar kinds of patterns?

Also, I think our current teacher is likely to say that DD has "hit her wall", and class performance is about to plummet. We're hoping to demonstrate that the "two-year deficit" is already there in some WIAT sub-tests, even if it is not YET showing up in the report cards. And do we have to wait until after she fails, if we have clear evidence that she is probably about to?

Keep us posted on how the discussions go - don't give up!