I am looking for BTDT experience with this test. It was administered this week to all 9th graders at the public high school my 9th grade twins go to. I've been looking for information about this test on the web, but have found very little other than the official ACT party line. I understand that it is brand new and is a mashup of now discontinued ACT tests (Explore and PLAN), and taken on a computer, but that is about it. My kids got extremely high scores on the Explore nearly 5 years ago, so we're wondering if we'll learn anything new from this test. We do know there is a writing component and we're wondering how that will be graded, and also how the short answer questions will be graded. And one more thing - how long do they take to grade? The multiple choice portions can clearly be graded immediately, but if a real person is grading the short answer/essay questions, that could take a while… Thanks!