Certainly fatigue was a HUGE factor in his testing as he was exhausted that morning before the test. And for a kid who never, ever naps especially not in the car, he napped all the way home.

Yes, missing the social conventions lowered his VCI this time.

I have the same here - flashes of brilliance. He came up the idea of using two magnets w/ same poles facing each other. He then put a screw in the middle and said he wondered if this would work for a suspension system in a car b/c you could vary it. He then researched it on the internet and found a company that had designed that very thing.

Or he read a math problem and instantly said the answer is 4. Now I had to do write an algebraic equation to get the answer and he was right. Now it wasn't terribly complicated, but when looking at him on days when he can't tell me 8x6=48, the contrast is striking that his brained solved it so quickly and near instantly.

Thanks for your insight, Quantum2003.

The tester said she will discuss the results with me when she returns. Her conclusion was that there is organic disease causing his issues.