Siren14: I think it depends entirely on the kid. My DD does not internalize fantastic violence. The more disconnected from reality the material is, the less it affects her. Other kids can't handle the drama of a Disney film.

ETA: At 4 years old, you're probably still trying to figure out how he's likely to react. It might not be a bad approach to keep going, and keep an eye on your DC is handling it, with occasional reinforcements that it's all make-believe.

In our home, we look to enforce controls on various media due to sexual content. So, for example, Harry Potter is fine, but the Dresden Files (basically, Harry Dresden is Harry Potter grown up and living in Chicago) are not. I found a Carl Hiassen book called "Hoot" written for children and bought it for DD, but she does not get to explore my collection of his other works.

Last edited by Dude; 10/08/14 02:57 PM.