Suevv, thanks! I hadn't thought of university. Will check it out.

aeh, Good point about private testing. They have to make some diagnosis, but I like the idea of the testing setting and it being one evaluation administrator. I know it's going to be limited at this age. Honestly, I'm not looking for much. I know a test later on, say age 9, is preferred. The school system here is not in any hurry to find a disability. They want kids to fall into the average scale. They are not prone to skipping grades and GT classrooms. I know it's going to be a year to year, teacher based struggle for us. Thanks!!

DeeDee, Thanks. Someone else mentioned Texas Children's to me today as well. It's a huge children's hospital here. I am still milling around the neuropsych evaluation. Need to read more about it. He mas very mild sensory issues, social in the sense that he gets overwhelmed with large crowds and loud noises as a result from those crowds. He does best with 2 to 3 playmates. That's going to be a very hard transition into kinder.

Thanks everyone! I did receive a tester list from my pediatrician today. Now I just have to cross reference with insurance. Hoping some portion of it will be covered. Now, these test. There are so many! I need to read about those as well. Which is best for age 4?