In all seriousness, let me just say here that the design aesthetic of traditional Scandinavian, Japanese, and more recently German home/industrial design, folk art, and craftsmanship is stunning to me. I truly just stand in awe of it. It's beautiful, understated, functional, appealing, yet still somehow organic and elegant in every way. It permeates everything from interior design (ooooo... those Stockholm chairs from IKEA) to traditional Japanese knitted lace patterns, to an Audi interior or fine German surgical instruments. Like Haiku in three-dimensional form; it is precisely what it NEEDS to be, but also precisely (and no more) what it wants to be, as well. In the eye of the beholder, I suppose, but this is my take on it.

That is as awe-inspiring to me in its own way as the perfection of a Caravaggio or the Allegri Miserere.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.