Thanks blackcap and mom2one, I think you understand my concerns. One thing that makes any problem difficult to pin down is that the curriculum for him is varied in each subject. In math for example there appear to be four to five different types of exercises being used. There are the drawing problems like the sheep example from above, there are sheets with just six problems of 3 digit addition and subtraction, there are 48 problem single digit timed math fact quizzes, there are read the graph and solve the problem worksheets and then these Venn diagram logic type worksheets. According to his WIAT scores he is a strong math reasoning but weak computation type person. He isn't a math kid. I think the math reasoning was maybe 95th percentile. I guess my problem is that I don't know what is ideal so it is hard for me to say whether what he is doing is a problem. I can say for sure that he needs math fact practice. He is a finger counter.

It has been a year since his full assessment and he has done a lot of remediation. There were assessments at Lindamood Bell and the Eides saw him this summer but they were just looking at reading not math and I am not sure the school really understands it all.

The school is offering Dora Reading Assessments and Adam K7 Math Assessments. Maybe I should start with that and go from there.

Does anyone have familiarity with these assessments?