DS9 is in third grade and diagnosed ASD, ADHD, and anxiety. He reads at a 6th-9th grade level, depending on the subject matter and understands science concepts that aren't usually introduced until high school.

Math, on the other hand, is different. His conceptual understanding in amazing. He has understood things like square roots and negative numbers since kindergarten. His processing speed is very low compared to the rest of his scores though. Perceptual reasoning being about 99th percentile and processing speed about 20th percentile.

This causes issues with DS being bored by the concepts that they are learning but still struggling with basic math facts. He eventually gets them but he ends up feeling bad about not being "good at it". We have been trying to let him know that eventually he will get to a level in math where his type of understanding will be more important. His teacher this year has been pretty good about not emphasizing speed work (i.e. fluency) so much but we are still struggling with how to keep his confidence up.

Any thoughts on how to bridge this period with his interest still intact? I know that he needs to lean his facts but I'm afraid that if we wait for math to get interesting for him again it might be too late.