We have this problem. Convincing my son to as I often put it "dot all his i's and cross all his t's". I also found out this summer that my son has low processing speed issues. This makes completing work during class a bit of a challenge, particularly when it's work he considers boring.

My son is just not intrinsically motivated and I don't really have very many good ways too motivate him. Even though I try not to I am always comparing him with a friends two girls, the first whom is very similar to him but super compliant.

What is frustrating is in my school how much homework/classwork means depends on the level of class. Homework/seatwork is less important in the honors/AP classes, and mean more in the "regular" classes. So dropping my son into all non honors classes isn't necessary going to help his grade at all, since he tests very well but he doesn't turn in (even if he has done it) 100% of the homework/classwork.