Hi all,

We are starting to pull together resources to help DS6 with dyslexia/dysgraphia. I have talked to a couple different types of providers. They have both advocated having DS come for therapy 3-5 times per week, and in bot cases they would need him to come during school hours (after school time slots not available).

Both of these resources come with strong recommendations, and I guess their busy schedules reflect quality. So - we would love to work with them. On the other hand, pulling DS out of school for 2 hours, three times a week, seems very disruptive.

I'm wondering if any of you have feedback on whether this intense frequency of treatment is standard operating procedure and necessary to acconplish the goals? And - have any of you done school pull-outs for this?

For context, we haven't discussed DS's dyslexia assessment with the school. But I'm aware that other kids have been denied therapy if they were at or above grade level, as DS is. And in any event, I'm not sure how much I think of the services that would be available. Track record from my casual investigation is that therapy is inconsistent, with mixed results. I suppose, though, I'll have to share his assessment to get them on board with the pull-out for therapy.

So - should I pull him out of school as is being suggested? He'd likely leave at lunch, and come back for after school care (which he actually loves).

Thanks for any thoughts.
