DS refused to read fiction until he was, late five I think? (With the one exception of Pippi Longstocking, never really understood why). I have the theory that he was overwhelmed by the the description of emotions and the slightest tension undid him. Nonfiction felt much safer. Magic treehouse helped us with the transition, the formula making him feel safe as well I guess. He still self censors carefully and I rarely find books at his level that are appropriately gentle. Classics work best, though it have to watch out for parental death and disease.

Since having kids with a variety of health issues, I cannot tolerate books and films which kill children off, and wonder whether I will ever be able to do so again. There are times when I feel safer with nonfiction, too, though I do prefer fiction most of the time.

Last edited by Tigerle; 09/14/14 01:16 PM.