Hopefully it is in the range of normal; he has had a few issues, though, and some complex testing results.

I will ask if they remind kids. I think they just tell the kids to line up and they are supposed to remember their lunch boxes. He has had to bring in a lunch box since preschool, but started having more difficulty last year (probably because there are fewer reminders as the kids get older). Last year, one of the other kids started bringing in his lunch box every day because he forgot it so often.

I can give him a checklist. I wonder if it would help at all to have a reminder in the lunchbox? I think recess is so distracting that it wouldn't be enough, but I can try.

It may help to have him not throw anything out and the teachers would probably agree to it. We've had a few cases of him packing an open drink back into the lunchbox, which makes quite a mess. I can probably think of an alternate drink option, though, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Last edited by apm221; 09/13/14 07:09 PM.