So, we are weeks into the school year and I am starting to get a bit uneasy for DS6, in 1st. I am trying SO hard to be patient. I did "drop the bomb" of DS's WISC/WIAT scores (DYS-level WISC, DYS-level reading AND math on WIAT), and YES, we take those with a BIG grain of salt) to the teacher weeks ago when she was asking for "more information" about the students (I was hesitant to share a while back, but when she ASKED for more information...well, that seemed like it COULD be some important information). The teacher did sound like she might understand the scores when she replied via e-mail, so now we wait. But then I see what work is coming home with DS recently, and well, you know (sight words he could read 4-years ago as homework).

DS seems sad and lost when he talks about school. He has asked me several times now if he can stay home and learn. Also, he is sensitive and can be quiet. I KNOW some of it must be the transition to full-day school, BUT some of it might not be just that.

How long do I wait patiently? We found out recently that if we want a private parent-teacher conference, we will need to schedule it separately, outside of the normal conferences (which are not truly private).

The schools have no G&T program until 3rd/4th. We cannot afford to send both DC (DD9 is a DYS) to private gifted school at the moment (and travel there would require a decent commute, every day), as the tester recommended, so we are doing our best.

I KNOW the teachers need some time at the beginning of the year to get to know the students and make plans for teaching all of them. So I am trying SO hard to be patient...but how long do you wait? I am just very worried about DS.

Last edited by Loy58; 09/16/14 09:52 AM. Reason: privacy