he other kids aren't outwardly mean about it, but I just get a vibe that they're not cool with the little kid. Like, the older boys will take off on scooters or bikes and my son will try to keep up, but can't do it...and they don't seem to be stopping to turn around and wait for him.

I wouldn't take this as "not cool" with him as much as not not actively interested in trying to include him at all time--there is a big difference. They may be totally fine with him being around when he's around, but not patient enough to wait up for him. This would be very age-appropriate and typical. You would only find a few kids this age (probably kids with little siblings and/or girls who have an interest in babysitting or have been more socialized to be nurturing to younger kids) who would be this inclusive, unless your child is somehow extremely compelling. It doesn't mean they are mean or anything. It's just normal.

My younger child (6) likes older kids a lot, probably because he hangs out with his older sister a ton and thinks he is older than he is. He can hang pretty well with an older crowd, too. But when he plays soccer with 9 and 10yos, he inevitably gets left behind/out some of the time. It is what it is. He has a healthy self-concept and is not bothered unless someone makes a comment (rare--they like him).