How does that compare to "Panther Math Paper"?

One thing I did with DS and DD and long division was teach them "the cheating method" so they don't have to write as much. It probably wouldn't work well for kids with poor working memories but mine seem to do Ok. So for instance say you are dividing 109 by 6. 6 goes into 10 one time with four left over. Write down a 1 where it belongs. Put a small "4" right in front of the 9 in the problem. 6 goes into 49 8 times with one left over. Write down the 8 after the 1, with a remainder of 1. Presto magic, long division writing down only 2 numbers besides the answer. With many problems even that is unnecessary, they can do it all in their heads by visualizing "the cheating method". Haven't figured out any good tricks yet for longer multplication problems. The easy ones aren't hard to do mentally, like 34x9 would be 30 X 9 + 4 X 9, or 270+36. DS attempts to do longer problems in his head, and I just don't think this is going to be appropriate over the long term. He will stare into space and mutter numbers, saying things like "zero place holder, carry the two...." It's bizarre and painful to watch and I am always tempted to force him to write it down, which would be much simpler for me and most other people.

If you decide to try modmath, post how it goes! We are looking at options for DS in particular and they are talking about an AT eval.