I have always felt strongly that my daughter is gifted (as her parents were), but it has never been important for me to have confirmation of that because I don't have a need to get her into a gifted program (she's in a Montessori program that goes through 8th grade; she's in first grade now). However, she has developed thoughts/behaviors that can best be described as OCD; I, too, had these weird quirks and ritualistic gestures as a child, and I merely outgrew them in middle school. They are distressing her and she wants to learn some coping mechanisms, so I think I should take her to a child psychologist.

However, I want to take her to someone who understands giftedness (the perfectionism, the sensitivities, the imagination, energy level, etc.). I am also considering having her evaluated for giftedness, because she feels "different" from the other kids and perhaps a diagnosis would give her an explanation and a way to feel understood and not weird/alone. I have never researched the various testing methods, and I have no idea what to look for in a reputable psychologist. Any advice, books, articles, etc. to get me started in the right direction on how to best serve my daughter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!