1. Reduced work load: complete minimum number of items sufficient to show mastery, key items only, short answer responses instead of full sentences (except when written expression is the instructional focus). Standards-based grading (i.e., on outcomes only, not on all the busy work and broken-down intermediate steps so prized by teachers). Maximum 50 minutes of homework per night; parent sign-off on remaining work when time limit has been reached.
2. Extended time to complete assignments and assessments, especially those with lengthy or complex reading or writing requirements.
3. Except when spelling is the focus of instruction, do not penalize for spelling, as long as writing is intelligible.
4. Assistive technology (word processing, speech-to-text software, spellcheck/word prediction software).
5. Supplementary oral assessment to clarify and extend written responses.
6. Alternate assessments or assignments to show mastery of content or skill, such as performance tasks, visual presentations, demonstrations. (e.g., make a powerpoint or video clip instead of a written report, demonstrate a skill instead of taking a written test about it, illustrate Spanish vocabulary words with mini-comics instead of sentences [a la Diary of a Wimpy Kid])

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...