DS12, beginning 8th grade this year, had to write a couple of paragraphs describing how he learns best. He'd never given it any thought before. It was easy for him to identify with Linguistic learners but he discovered this about Visual Spatial Learners:

"The visual spatial learner thrives on complexity, yet struggles with easy material; loves difficult puzzles, but hates drill and repetition; is great at geometry and physics, but poor at phonics and spelling. She has keen visual memory, but poor auditory memory; is creative and imaginative, but inattentive in class; is a systems thinker, all the while disorganized, forgets the details. He excels in math analysis, but is poor at calculation; has high reading comprehension, but low word recognition; has an excellent sense of humor, and performs poorly on timed tests." by Linda Kreger Silverman

Upon finding this he said, "Finally. Someone who understands how I feel about math."

Last edited by KADmom; 09/04/14 09:52 AM.