My DS6 is rushing through easy work and producing sloppy results. Specifically, he is being given color by number (literally 1, 2, 3) or color by word (pink, blue, red) worksheets and getting written feedback regarding the neatness of his work. He is getting the "facts" right on these worksheets but the only feedback from the teacher is "PLEASE SLOW DOWN AND COLOR NICELY". His reading is at DRA level 40 and he is multiplying, dividing and doing pre-algebra for fun at home, so the work is well below his level. My gut says there is something not good about this situation, but I have learned my lesson to go to the school only with facts and research, not gut feelings. I'm hoping to develop a good working relationship with the teacher and trying to pick my battles so I don't appear as overbearing as I may have been last year. Anyone have research to support my gut on this one or insight to help me decide whether this is a battle I should fight at this point?