Originally Posted by Loy58
I was told, and aeh (or anyone else), can correct me if I am wrong, that my DC's pattern of very high VCI and PRI (so high reasoning skills), combined with somewhat lower PSI or WMI (or both), is not unusual for HG+ kids.

DD9 is VCI (by far, the highest)>PRI>PSI (very high)>WMI (barely above average!) - much like madeinuk's DD.

DS6 is VCI>PRI (PRI higher than DD's, but much less spread than DD's between VCI and PRI)>WMI (very high)>PSI (high average)

Neither child has a 2e diagnosis, although DD has sometimes seemed a tad ADDish. Both are high achievers so far.

I have wondered about the interplay between PSI and WMI, since both of my DC are very strong in opposite areas, and less strong in the other area!

As others have already noted, yes to the gifted profile of WMI/PSI.

I usually look for WMI or PSI that are below the high average range as potentially of concern in gifted kids. So, for instance, I would not bat an eyelash at your DS's scores, but would keep an eye on working memory in your DD, especially where she also has a marked difference between VCI and PRI. I would also pay attention to how she does when she reaches geometry and physics. She might do fine, but I wouldn't be surprised if she had to put a little unaccustomed effort into them.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...