I was hoping someone could give me some insight into my son�s WPPSI IV scores. He was 5 years 8 months when tested. Should I be concerned that the difference between his verbal comprehension and visual spatial scores may be indicative of something else going on? We saw a lot of anxiety in kindergarten last year � he is an extreme perfectionist.

VCI 114
VSI 155
Fluid Reasoning 124
Working Memory 118
Processing Speed 116
Full Scale 133

The psych told me that he made his mistakes on the very early, easy questions but was able to answer the questions as they became more difficult(?) She thought perhaps he had word finding difficulties. I had him assessed with an SLP and she said she couldn't find anything, testing came out in the normal range although he does have articulation issues. He is very much the mathy kid, however his language skills seem much higher than this score reflects.

Thanks for any thoughts!