My son half wants to stay for a few friends and half wants to change for the academics. He doesn't care that is online, but I see the distinct problems with it. As far as walking to the middle/high, it has been deemed unfair as only some campuses are set up this way, so most kids could not do that. Thus, it was killed as an option two years ago, even then it was only rarely implemented.

I'm leaning towards no skip, as there are other schooling options we might pursue (private, magnet) that would solve the online conundrum. In addition, his middle has a current class for gifted kids that will likely cause a need for at least one of the high school courses to be offered at middle rather than online (or they'll be putting 20 kids online for a high school class!)

I have gone round robin on this many times, always coming back to preferring not to skip to shore up any maturity issues, executive functioning deficits, etc though he has been a very good student till this point.

To another's note, he LOVES working at his own pace and not having to constantly wait on the rest of the class to catch up.

I appreciate the input, we are waiting to see how the eval goes and how he continues to handle his current (first) online class, our decision will likely not need to be made until Nov. the district is hurrying his assessment for a mid year skip as it is usually a semester long endeavor.

As I mentioned, he is highly gifted across the board, exceptionally so in math/reasoning. Hence my thinking a skip maybe the right move for him even if the Mom in me wants to keep him home longer.
