I sometimes feel so lonely about DS6’s behaviors.

He never acts out at school and is always an angel. It’s a different story at home and when out and about. DH thinks it’s all normal boy stuffs.

A lot of what DS does are indeed normal boy stuffs – being rough, fighting, etc. One thing that really bothers me is that when he is in a “certain” state of mind, he is really out of line – spitting, shaking a baby gate like a caged animal, climbing on top of the table, taking off his clothes, etc.

I _think_ he does it mostly to show off – when grandma is here, when he is with DD, when in the doctor office waiting with a room full of people, etc. Or after too much rough housings.

And he knows it’s wrong. In fact, he told me he doesn’t like himself sometimes because he is being bad.

I am on my wit's end. Are these just all normal boy stuffs and I am just being a perfectionist?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.