So the teacher assignment came in the mail yesterday. My DS8 goes to a gifted magnet school (which was a whole saga getting him there in the first place). There are 5 teachers per grade and there was one open spot for this year. He of course got assigned to the "new" teacher. Some may recall that I had a meeting with the VP, teacher and school psychologist last year about DS's behavior. One of the things I mentioned in the meeting is that I would like his next teacher to be someone who has experience and patience to work with him. Any of the other 4 teachers I would have be OK with because they have been at the school for many years and have taught gifted kids many years.

Now, the fun part. I of course Googled this teacher and saw her LinkedIn profile (don't judge me LOL). I can see that she has many years as a teacher broken up by a couple non-teaching jobs. She is coming back to teaching this year after working elsewhere for a few years. So I don't really know anything about her at all except this information. It doesn't appear she has extensive gifted experience (new teachers are required to be certified in gifted within 2 years of being hired if they aren't already). My son is such an outlier and I'm afraid she may not have the experience to be a good match.

Do I sit tight and see what happens? Do I email and request someone else while not being able to admit that I snooped online (or that I did?). I don't know what to do here. I feel like I'm helicoptering. Maybe I should just chill LOL

Mom to 2 kiddos - DS 9 with SPD and visual processing issues and DD 6 who is NT