hi all,
I hear very often that siblings tend to be within 10 IQ points of each other. If IQ is heritable, and parents are quite different from one another IQ-wise, then this does not make sense to me. It would seem that its just as likely that 1 kid will take after 1 parent, and the other may take after the second parent, or a an aunt etc.

In my case, my oldest son is HG, esp in math (3 grades accelerated) and shows all the classic characteristics. My middle kid seems fairly normal development wise. He seems to struggle with a lot of learning but I have a hard time telling if this is just normal and I'm comparing to my oldest or if there is something there (he's 6 1/2 and just starting to read etc). I have a 20mo old as well and she seems more like my oldest (already knows all the letters) but I'm pretty sure with her I'm overthinking it.

I'm wondering what your experiences are and if you have a mix of gifted and non gifted kids or if they are all similar.
