Originally Posted by blackcat
I would probably tell them I'd like to see actual scores and percentiles rather than a confidence range, and also scores on subtests so you can see if there is very good or very poor performance on one or more subtests compared to the others. For instance the range in my DD's scores was huge. She scored an 8 on coding and a 19 (22 if you use extended norms) on matrix reasoning (the average for subtests is a 10, which would be 50th percentile). You can see the effects of this in her real life. She is very slow with written work, reflecting the coding score of 8, but she is very strong with visual ability and seeing patterns, and it shows up in how she whips puzzles together and builds things, and reads music very well (piano). Based on DD's low processing speed score the psych who assessed her recommended it be addressed in a 504 and certain accommodations be made. Her working memory score was 127, I think, which is fine....usually that is depressed as well in kids like her (ADHD).

Based on the c.i.s and classifications, this is most likely what the actual index scores are:

VCI = 120, 91%ile
PRI = 120, 91%ile
WMI = 89, 23%ile
PSI = 87, 19%ile

Last edited by aeh; 08/09/14 09:45 AM.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...