Originally Posted by geofizz
Originally Posted by slammie
She does not self regulate well at all, but I don't think I'm going to be able to stop her from reading by the constellation nightlight.

I've been known to remove the books at lights out time. Some kids need this help turning it off. Some kids need the reading to wind down. It's a matter of knowing your kid and doing what needs to be done.

For the people in our family who have sleep issues (insomnia, trouble settling down, etc), we've found that using the bed only for sleep is best. It really does depend on the person and how well they sleep. So for DS, we discourage reading/working in bed (and yes, I will put books in time out at night if necessary). For DD, we don't mind as much (since she doesn't seem to have sleeping issues, and self-regulates better).

Several years ago we removed the light switch from DS's bedroom and replaced it with a timer. This way even if he does stay up late or wake up in the middle of the night, the light in his bedroom won't stay on for longer than an hour.