I was very happy to notice that AoPS's autumn schedule has several classes on Saturdays, at times when the UK (as well as the US) is awake. DS10 will do the Saturday AMC10 preparation class. (Weird choice you might think, given that we don't have AMC10 here, but after finding Intro to Geom ate too much of his free time last year, he very much wanted something with not too much work expected between classes, while I was quite keen that he get back on the AoPS horse and see what it's like to be able to go to class in real time. I think he'll get things out of it.)

Please let me know if any of your children do it, and please let anyone else who might be interested know about the existence of Saturday classes. I'm very keen that AoPS find this viable and offer more classes at times that work for us!

Class list

Last edited by ColinsMum; 08/05/14 10:35 AM. Reason: duh, include the link

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