Gifted Teen Research Study � Win $25 iTunes Gift Card

Are you are a parent of a gifted teen?

Do you wonder if your child�s academic setting may affect his/her overall well-being?

This doctoral dissertation research project seeks to answer this question.

If you and would like your child to participate in this doctoral research project (with a chance to win a $25 iTunes Gift Card) AND your child meets the criteria below, please click on the link below.

Parents must give permission to their child to participate. The study will take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. You may also request a summary of the general results of the study.

In order to participate in this study your child must be,
� 13 to 18 years old
� Have an IQ of 130 or more
� Or have been tested as gifted but don�t remember the number
� Or be performing 3 or more grades above level
� Be in the United States
� Be fluent in reading and speaking English