Hi! I am so happy I found this forum! Such a great resource! I have twin girls going into 1st grade and an almost-3 year old girl. All of the kids are bright, but we have never had them tested.

One of the twins especially seems to exhibit a lot of the characteristics that a gifted child might in all of the online tests. The other one -- not so much, in terms of quirky behaviors, but she is a very fast learner.

The problem that we have is our district (although one of teh top in our state), doesn't have any gifted options, until kids get to middle school. We work with the kids a lot at home though, and I feel like the day for them is too busy with school-work, since we are essentially doing math and language arts at home on top of full day school. Our district does Singapore math, which is great, except my girls have been working on 2nd grade Singapore math at home.

So my question is, I'd like to (a) get them tested, to see if they are actually gifted, or if I tiger-parented them into being a grade or 2 levels aged, and (b) see what the school can do for them. For testing, where do I get started? The only test I found so far is SCAT, but the older girls are too young for it. As far as school, what can I do there?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!